Arjay Phoenician: Making the Case for Peace with South Korea

Day 963, 00:36 Published in Japan Bolivia by Arjay Phoenician
TO: The people of Japan
FROM: Arjay Phoenician, President of South Korea
RE: Formally ending the war

Day 963 of the New World (July 10, 2010)

I bid the people of Japan welcome and good day. On behalf of my constituents, I wish long-lasting prosperity.

I’m asking you today to reconsider the ongoing state of war that exists between Japan and South Korea. I’ve talked to your president, exReality, but in reading the article he wrote yesterday about how he sees our country, it seems that he is not only uninterested in mature discussion on the matter, he seems quite willing to demonize us, make us look sinister, and feed your anger against us. If nothing else, at least I know where he stands.

I did not come here to counter his propaganda, and I will not become defensive about anything he said. I did come here, however, to appeal to your better nature, to convince you that peace is in both our nations’ interests, and to request that your leaders vote yes on an upcoming treaty that will formally end the state of war between our countries.

On May 5, South Korea’s only MPP was with Malaysia, and only for the sake of the Sol wargames. We had recently turned down an MPP offer with Russia, understanding that such an MPP would step us into Phoenix’s sphere of influence, and that would undermine our desire for neutrality. Japan has been a longtime friend, and when the chips were down, we counted on Japan for support. Of all our neighbors, we trusted Japan more than any.

Boy, were we stupid.

On May 6, Japanese President Danyeo declared war on us, one of the smallest nations in the world at the time, and while a myriad of excuses were made, let’s be honest, it was for the “lulz”. The new regime was eager to fight, to try out Dokomo’s new war machine, and they picked the target they felt could not fight back. The Righteous Nation Philosophy was flushed down the toilet.

The thing is, the Japanese military barely won the first couple of battles. It wasn’t until the Croatians and Americans assisted the Japanese that the war started turning their way, and before too long, we were down to two regions and were poised for extinction. Because Japan escalated the war, South Korea can not be blamed for seeking to survive and reconsidering the MPP with Russia. With their assistance, Japan not only was quickly removed from the peninsula, but lost the region of Jeju, making South Korea complete for the first time in months, maybe even in years.

The fighting has been done for over a month, yet the state of war continues. I am asking you to consider ending it.

So long as this state exists, South Korea can not venture forth or move forward. We cannot send our military units out to assist places like Liaoning, knowing the state of war exists, and the second we let our guard down, it’s quite possible we will be attacked. We can’t invest in our economy, knowing any investment can be wiped out at whim by the Japanese. Everything we do, there is a dark cloud over us, and I seek to remove the cloud so my country can prosper.

Quite truly, had Japan never attacked us, we most likely never would have signed the MPP with Russia. Any accusation made against my country must be seen with this fact in mind. All events since the declaration of war are inherently with Japan at the root. Before you accuse South Korea of anything, realize where South Korea was, before the war, and where we are now, and unless you’re blind, you have to realize that where we are today is because of this state of war. Plain and simple. This isn’t propaganda. This is reality.

I’m seeking to change that reality. Some in South Korea aren’t fond of my criticism against Russia. We’ve enjoyed a small baby boom as of late, and many newcomers don’t quite understand why we have an MPP with Russia, the same country which kept North Korea as their puppet for so long. I’ve had to explain that, in this e-world, the small are constantly manipulated by the superpowers and superalliances, and while we’d love to remain neutral, Japan proved to us that it’s naïve to be passive in our neutrality. With Japan and her allies, notably Croatia and the United States, making it clear they support our destruction, our options were clear: sign the MPP with Russia, or die.

We chose survival, and no one has the right to blame us for that. Blame, however, is certainly deserved for those who put the gun to our heads and forced us into this predicament, and that blame lies squarely with Japan.

That’s why I’m seeking to end this state of war, because I no longer wish to create policy based on what Japan might do on any given day.

I know why the war remains open. Money. I heard the stories of Dokomo scrounging for tanks at the last minute and checking under the sofa cushions for gold to fund them in order to stave off defeat. I know that, should a treaty be signed, Japan would have to start the whole process over again if they ever wanted to attack us, and that not only means another declaration of war, but also ponying up the hundreds of gold required to do so. Japanese leadership finds it more economically sound to just keep the cloud of war over South Korea’s head, literally and apparently forever, than to do the honorable thing and end the war, once and for all.

I’m hoping that, while exReality is willing to paint us as something we’re not, the rest of Japan is more considerate and will think about what I’ve said.

Sunday morning, I will be presenting a treaty for a vote. This was done three times by my predecessor, Peter de LusionisT Bae, and every time, your country turned it down. I’m hoping for a better result this time. Be sure, however, that should this measure fail, this will be the first in a long line of attempts to convince the people of Japan that peace with South Korea is in both parties’ interests.

I look forward to better relations with Japan, and once the treaty is signed, we can, in time, become the friends we used to be.

Arjay Phoenician
President of South Korea