Day 1,727, 06:29 Published in Brazil Brazil by Nesjan Lebeau L. Stradivarius

Bragança Paulista (DF) (Capital eMundial) dia 1727 do Novo Mundo


While Argentina faces a direct war and 3 RW:

Brazil as usual is there to fight

But what about the allies from EDEN HQ? Where are those guys? Where are your new friends from Romania?

Let's see their priority:

Oh yeah, they have a priority, ok must be some order from EDEN HQ, but...

they can make a surgical air strike and help their south american brothers:

Damn, too late. It seems that the help will not come, they have to attack the powerful Malaysia!

Romanian general concerned about Argentina

So friends from Argentina (especially my beloved Valkyria) open your eyes, it's time to choose your real friends and kick some "Shakiras" asses.
We will be there with you!