Argentina Trial Member in EDEN

Day 1,591, 22:06 Published in USA USA by Donovan Zoi

Argentina trial member in EDEN

In my first column, I asked several questions about our international future and it appears that one of them was already answered just before I had gone to press.

In a surprise announcement yesterday, Argentina has been granted a 1-month trial membership into EDEN. While this is a positive development for our tactical interests, this move is a net loss for TERRA itself on the world stage.

Was there an opportunity missed here? Chile only started signing MPP's with ONE nations 4 days ago , and the Argentina announcement was roughly two days ago. Yet, ever since the beginning of his impeachment trial, the President best known for his command of the American media has been relatively absent. After three months of seemingly effortless win, did the wind leave Oblige's sails during his first real challenge? Could Argentina have been ours?

This is a serious question because all eyes should be on Russia in the coming days. Russia is the only ally in TERRA that voted against Chile's expulsion and is said to have enjoyed strong ties with Bulgaria. They will also have MPP's expire with both Chile and Bulgaria in 3-4 days. I am truly hoping there are no more surprises around the corner.

Greece/Romania taking it to Bulgaria

After drawing first blood deeply into Turkey, Bulgaria is already starting to see setbacks as Greece and Romania have come to Turkey's aid by each adopting Natural Enemy status against them. Since March 23rd, Greece and Romania have joined forces to take four of Bulgaria's six mainland regions. Turkey has also managed to cast Bulgaria from their Iranian holdings though Iran herself is steadily increasing its presence on the map.

NEW DEVELOPMENT: Greek congress is voting to apply Natural Enemy status to FYROM, and is currently 6-1 in favor of passage.

Russia plays a big role in this theatre as well, as they are currently letting Bulgaria hold two of their original regions, the only ones Bulgaria has left besides the two pictured below.

France defending on two fronts

Another nation that appears to be on the rise is the United Kingdom, which is now occupying French territory for the first time in recent memory. It remains to be seen if the UK will be able to hold this ground (or any ground) by the next congressional elections, but Serbia's pressure to France's south certainly helps their cause.

With the elections approaching, I'll be turning my glance inward for the coming days. Please continue to join me for the fun!