
Day 2,787, 07:44 Published in United Kingdom Argentina by Navin Kabada

Why do Argentines look up to the sky every time there is a lightning flash?

Because they think God is taking their photograph.

How does an Argentine commit suicide?

He climbs to the top of his ego, then jumps.

What is the best business you can do in this life?

To buy an Argentinian for what he's worth and sell him for what he thinks he's worth.

What is the main difference between an Argentinian and a typical terrorist?

-Terrorists often have sympathizers.

What's the difference between Nelson Mandela and an Argentinean politician?

Mandela was jailed before getting elected

Here's why we won the Falklands/Malvinas War.

Each side was in it's respective trenches when Richard (on the Brit's side of course) got an idea and told his buddy, "Watch this."

"Hey Carlos," he yelled.
Carlos stuck his head over the edge of the trench and hollered back, "Yeah?" BOOM.. Richard shot him dead.

Richard's buddy thought he'd like to try it, so he yelled out, "Hey Carlos!"
Another Argentine stuck his head up, said "Yeah?" and BOOM. Richard's buddy shot him too.

Meanwhile on the other side, two Argentine's were talking and decided to turn the Brit's tactics back on them.

Carlos yelled out, "Hey Richard!"
Richard replied, "Is that you Carlos?"
Carlos stuck his head up and said, "Yeah!" BOOM -- the Brit shot him

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