Are you tired

Day 1,936, 22:07 Published in USA USA by LordOther

Are you tired of the same people getting elected to presidency or congress and the only election that you may win is a party presidency for a very small party with maybe 4 people in it which barely makes a dent in the political arena. Are you tired of being one of the nameless many while a select group are the notable few. Are you tired of the few "leading the charge" while the us, the many, the "pawns" actually fight the battle. Are you tired of just being another vote where you want to be an actual decider. Are you tired of "vote AFA" or "vote AMP". Are you tired of the few taking credit for the capitulation while the many lose the most. Are you ready for the few to fight the fight and the many to make the decisions. Are you ready for the notable to be the nameless and the nameless to be the notable then join my party and vote for me and the Revolutionist shall control eUS.