Are you seriously running for President?

Day 740, 14:32 Published in USA USA by Greg 454

A reader asks me:
"Are you seriously running for president? Are you being serious with this run?"

So I wrote him back this..........

Hi, I know I probably have no chance in hell of winning, so I'm just gonna state my ideas and be politically incorrect. If people like what they have, they can vote for that.

If they want war, security and lower taxes, they can vote for me.

Today for example we didn't have any wars, why? This is the perfect time to attack England or Russia. We have Alaska under our posession yet we're not launching any attacks from there, instead we are letting PEACE raise money to launch another attack against us.

People say I'm wrong, yet what do I see? I see foreign companies paying low taxes to sell products in America while American companies pay high taxes. In Hungary the import tax is 99% while in America is 1% (5% in 2 categories I think). Why? Guns are no longer expensive, food is virtually free, only housing remains expensive yet while the government has started companies that make guns they don't have companies that make houses.

So these are the ideas I bring to the table, whoever wins can take them under consideration.

1. Lower our income tax to 10%. Increase the import tax to 30%

2. Launch attacks against England and Russia.

3. Create House companies and sell Q3 Houses for $200 (5 gold), and Q1 Houses for $40 (1 gold). While supplies last of course.

4. Get rid of the VAT, this isn't Europe.

Anyway, thanks for writing.
Greg 454
The Number You Know 🙂