Are you earning or losing money with every hit? (400k strength)

Day 5,763, 12:15 Published in Romania Romania by Io Stefan Voievod


On eRepublik day 5,763 (August 31st, 2023) Misho was the first player to reach 400,000 strength. Congratulations! 😎

Since this is a major milestone in eRepublik I have decided to republish a previous article titled Are you earning or losing money with every hit?

Military formulas did not change since then, but market prices did, so let's find out if Misho can still tank for free.

Using your base hit multiplied with your protector level and any additional boosters you can determine if True Patriot rewards cover your food and weapons costs. There's also a Google Sheet link at the end of the article.

We start by calculating our base hit in accordance with the official formula:

D = 10 × (1 + S/400) × (1 + R/5) × (1 + FP/100)

In the following table I did the math for my account. Base hit and final hit (after applying the Protector bonus) is the damage done using 10 energy. I'm using Fire Power 200 (Q7 weapons) because no one fights with lesser quality weapons. Since the previous article I've reached Legend XX and Protector 49/50 💪🏼

Let's do some more math and see how much money I'm earning or losing with every 100 million damage done:

Combat Stash increases gold and currency rewards by 10%.
Combat Stash during certain events, like we had during Spring Challenge, increases rewards by 13%.
Values rounded up to the nearest ten.

The numbers, Mason! What do they mean?

It seems that given the current prices I'm tanking for free 😎 Even without any damage boosters I'm earning 140 cc for every 100 million damage.

If you produce your own food and/or weapons your Profit/Loss might look better, but you have to understand that there's an opportunity cost, meaning that the energy used to produce those items could've been used in a battle. For some players it's even more profitable to fight, than to produce.
I'm just a poor D1 player so let's test these formulas on a dinosaur that benefits from the Elite Citizen bonus of 10% added to his base hit.


I've created a Google Sheets file which you can copy or download from this link.

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