Are We Really That Arrogant?

Day 607, 13:58 Published in USA Poland by Ryan_5

sure Americans like America. But when the Hungarians accuse us of saying we are the best, and those backstabbers across the pond, cite our arrogance as casus belli, I must ask are we that arrogant?

Sure, we pat ourselves on the back, after a job well done. Articles praising the Marines are common place. Not as commonplace as say, Hungarian articles trolling us, proclaiming their power. As soon as the traitors began swapping regions with the french, they started claiming states as personal possessions.

Sure there is a lot of trash talk around erep, and trash talk usually is in the line of I am better than you. If you have ever been in #usa-chat, you will probably see foreigners, some who often love to insult america. I don't think this stuff is really serious. We have pride and patriotism and we aren't the only ones who do. If a nation needs to eat humble pie, it is Hungary. If America thinks they can feed it to them, then it is confidence, not arrogance.