Are we a team? November POTUS election system (wwit?).

Day 1,798, 21:47 Published in USA USA by Candor

There persists a national malaise in our nation, and it infects us like rot, growing and spreading from the poisoned soil, into the trunk, and making brittle every branch of our government.

Some would say it began with the Admins, and some would say it began with Ajay Bruno. Some say the malaise set in with the arrival of the iNCi and some point a finger at Glove and his time in office, and an open borders policy.

But I don’t believe any of those are the cause of our nation’s current concerns, and resulting malaise. These are things that we like to point to, because they are simple things to quantify and to debate.

No, I believe our true malaise began with the dismantling of the the eUS Military community and the rise of a new mentality, where destruction of dissent was made a priority, and the powerful worked hard at any cost to maintain that illusion of power, if not actual power itself.

It began with the belief that the “team” was an abstract “eUSA” rather than the people who populate that nation. It began with the idea that “winning”, whatever the hell that is in this silly game, was beating the other “team” in the latest military endeavor, never mind the repetition of it all.

It began when some forgot that the nation, the “team”, is you and I the citizens, and the backbone of the nation.

And like a tree, with that poisoned soil, the rot crept up further and further, until now we have a nearly fully corrupted and grossly deformed semblance of a “team” and nation remaining. The skeleton is here, and there are healthy limbs sporadically, but the soil is weary and drained.

What was that poison? And where did it come from?

This guy plays for himself.

It came from the selfish need for power for powers sake. And so I use that dismantling of our first large community, the original eUS Military as my origin of poison. It's a benchmark in time, though this was building before that. Because that was a power struggle, for powers sake. And the losers were 500 community members, for whom almost no one spoke up in defense of.

I don't believe most understood the power creep that it represented, and the implications to follow. At the time, we had three branches of government. After that, just two. And now, with the constant attempts to control Congress (and Congresses mechanical powers) from the Executive, barely more than one.

When it was apparent that destroying the largest community in the nation had no immediate serious repercussions, the same poison was spread throughout the nation. And communities died, spirits died. People left, and didn’t return.

When you read the comments below, those who disagree will be those who spread that same poison today. They’ll say it’s your fault that you don’t work for it. They'll say it's the Admins fault, it's a shitty game. But frankly I’m quite tired of those lines.

This article area has been removed, as the elction system of last month will not be used again this month, negating the story.

Since this article released last night, I've heard that a different system from last month will take place. Each party will hold Primaries, and the winner of those primaries (4 candidates in total) will go forward to the nation for a popular vote. Anyone in the nation could vote in that popular vote.

This system would mirror exactly the mechanical process in game.

Now, for those who are concerned with meta voting systems, I've been told there isn't major opposition to an article vote in game for the general election. Open and free for all to see.

Now in some ways that sucks, since your vote would be public, and maybe you don't want everyone to know how you vote. But it sure would be a fool proof system, and fair.

Discuss? I welcome civil input.

I now return you to your regular programing

You can work as hard as you want to. But unless you play the “game” the way they want you to play it, you won’t get far. They don’t respect you or your community. They play for their own power and prestige.

Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. Right?

If you’re playing for power, your not building your team, you’re contributing to it’s destruction.

And while the final blow may come from AJ and the Serbs, we’re on this brink because so many before have viewed “winning” with far too much “I” and not enough “you”. As in, for you and the team. Too many POTUS's have believed the war gaming far more important than the community, the people, the players. War was more important than you. While in truth, the nation can't be secure without you. No matter how many tanks can on their own win so many wars.

Rome rotted from within, and so are we.

Hate me for saying it. But I’ve always played for you and the team, not for “I”. How many others can say the same thing? Not enough.

Can we salvage the nation at this point? Yes we could.

Will we? Not playing by the same rules we've been playing with the last two years. That style has nearly sunk us. To save the nation will take a new style of "team". A traditional definition of the word.

If you are respected and given the opportunity to be involved in a democracy, I expect you'll become engaged again, as will new players. But no one likes to be peasants working for a King.

If you're treated like little more than war damage, well, being war damage isn't very much fun, and I expect you'll continue to leave.

A few ideas to get us there? To rebuild the nation?

1) Elect a new POTUS every month. Advisors are great people too.
2) 80% new Congressmen each month, and encourage any and all discussions. New Congressmen like to rehash old topics, It's new to them, ya?
3) PP's should swap out as well, they'd make fine lifetime advisors.
4) A President should focus on domestic leadership, there are plenty of people available to communicate internationally and set war strategy. There's only one recognizable leader to non-meta players in game. 80% of our citizenry. But ain't that a boring job description aye? Still, it's necessary, as any POTUS'S PM's will testify to, yes? Build and retain players, build our nation. Repulse PTO's.

Provide mechanical leadership opportunities and people will engage again. Ball hog them, and expect folks to keep moving on to better war games.

To do this will take a new attitude from the people traditionaly holding power. An attitude that says building people is more important than holding titles. For the nation.

Selfless play.

The start of a new nation?

Your Nominations:

USWP Pfeiffer


AMP George Armstrong Custer
AMP John Largo
AMP Cerb

All above would make good Presidents.

FED Dennis McVicker
FED Molly Emma

Love to see either, good choices.

WTP Rainy Sunday
WTP George Griffin
WTP Oblige
WTP Daineal Mac Carthaigh: Outstanding Platform Article Here

And then there's iNCi.
If they go their own way, AFA wins.
I've no idea what their plans are, but if they were to sell their influence to the AFA, we're sunk. It would be to everyone's advantage that they not become a T5 atm.

~I publically apologize to Pfeiffer for an earlier assumption made here regarding an iNCi connection, it was an assumption made without fact or merit, and I'm sorry for it.

Note: I'll post 'em as you nominate them, as well as platform articles, if you give me links.
You want to talk war today? We're winning, p-solid atm. We're there and they aint here. Not worth the chatter at the moment frankly. We're two weeks away from a significant probability PTO. Then we impeach, if we have 66% of Congress, and that's looking iffy too.

Dutifully Submitted,

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