Are TUP and PCP really using Multies?

Day 2,107, 08:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Adastros

Right, So a senior New Era member (a member of the 'New Era Council' No less) has been ranting and raving at the 'cheating' of TUP and PCP over them having the temerity to have high voter turnouts.

With Sven making accusations of multi accounting by these parties, I feel this is the ideal time to look at things I call 'facts'.

That's a table. Very similar to the one I used a couple of weeks back and was heavily criticised for, perhaps deservedly so, but it fufills a different purpose today.

Sven sai😛 "Yes, but TUP got 84.13% (eighty four point one three percent!)"

... Isn't this just because have a very large core, active membership? If we take players under lvl 25 as ones that haven't fully committed/ are new to the game (and would be less likely to vote) then TUP only lose 9% of their membership, leaving them with just over 190 people.

And here's the thing... 153 members of TUP are over level 25, and could be considered active members of the game. So TUP's 157 votes doesn't look that unrealistic now does it?

Right, and then we have Sven's lunatic claims against the PCP#

Let's look at the table I published a few weeks back:

Sven is getting angry because of PCP's 19 avatarless people who voted, but yet I heard no protestations at the Freemason's massive 35 a month ago, a staggering 38% of the party's membership, a good deal more than the 19% in the current PCP count. That's without even looking at parties like the RDP.

Double Standards much?

So, In Conclusion I am not accusing any party of having a box full of multies in their partyI am merely refuting the lunatic, deranged and hypocritical ravings of one person.

Adastros Out.