Arbryn's Cabinet

Day 474, 13:37 Published in Singapore USA by Arbryn

*President: Arbryn (Head of State)
*Vice-President: Czeckmaster (Vice-Head of State)
*Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: William Shafer (Head of Military)

*Department of Citizenship: Woshiempire (Meet, Greet & Educate new citizens)
*Citizens Affair Director: Ice_Freeze (Middle person to help Citizens understand government)

*Secretary of State: ExoM7 (Foreign affairs)
*Under Secretary of State: Ice_Freeze (Vice-Foreign affairs)

*Secretary of Treasury: Profalno Andrus (Financial adviser to President)
*Economic Council Director: Profalno Andrus (Citizen link to Govt. to voice Economic opinion)

*Chief of Staff: Czeckmaster (Keeps President informed of Congress)
*Chairman of Procedure: Czeckmaster (Keeps an eye on Congress and settles disputes)

*Webmaster: Jakub Niedzielski (Manages eSingapore website)

If anyone would like to help the nation grow please contact the appropriate member of the government.

Thank you
