Aran Tal for the Northwest

Day 521, 05:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by Aran Tal

As promised here is my manifesto, I have tried to keep it short!

I am a proud e-Irishman and will work hard for your issues. If elected I encourage all my constituents to contact me with their issues and I will happily do what I can to help.

I am very active, as my two hardworker medals show, and am a well-known face on the forums and chat room. I try not to poke my nose into other people's business and rarely comment on things I know nothing about.

As a congressman I will learn how the system works, read all arguments and digest all information before expressing my views or voting.


Obviously Defence is my specialist subject. I believe the IDF has grown stale and bloated and should be completely rebuilt, with separate active and reserve units. The benefits to the economy would be obvious, giving a boost to worker health and productivity, as well as the weapons and moving tickets industries.

Foreign Affairs

I believe Ireland should foster close relations with nations which share her ideals, but not distance herself from those by whom we feel threatened. As the man said, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.


pdiddy has done a fantastic job as health minister, and I think he should be congratulated and kept in office again.


This vital part of the game experience was instituted by ISRP President Theus Jackus and I would like to see the ministry re-introduced.


Taxes on housing are too high, and one of my first proposals will be a reduction of this rate.

So please, Vote Aran Tal for the Northwest.
(Your ISRP team in the Northwest: Aran Tal, Jerek White, Mannimarco)

Much Love