Apr 2010 President: Three candidates, three directions

Day 866, 02:23 Published in Norway Norway by Freke

UPDATE: There are obvious signs of a PTO being in action. Read statement from Eris and vote for Bob Turkee to secure Norway.

Yes, it's that time again. The April presidential candidates, or the April Fools as we call them, are all set. It is a bit disappointing that Kapitalist Partiet didn't find a good PTO candidate to run this month. Demokratene is not in the race either, despite Kenneth Bloodaxe's decent performance in the March presidential elections. So there are three candidates for us to choose from this time, and fortunately they pose as three alternatives.

The WYSIWYG candidateBob Turkee, Binary Party
When leaders who are already in position run for re-election, it is rather obvious that "we need change" will not be the best approach to the campaign. As I write this, less than 24 hours before the voting booths open, president Bob Turkee has not yet announced any new directions for the next period, should he remain in office. But this time around, he has actually set country goals - although not too radical ones. Population up 5% (~ 43 more citizens than today), GDP up 7% (a raise of about 58 gold to just over 890) and keep current regions, which are the original 6 Norwegian ones. This is the WYSIWYG candidate of the elections. If you're happy with Status Quo, Bob's your man.

The Conquerer candidateEris Caelestis, Teknokratene
Former country president (Dec 09-Jan 10) and five times congress member Eris is no rookie in eNorway politics. Her campaign speech is along party lines, and she has set rather obtainable country goals for population (up 5😵 and GDP (up 3😵. The military goal is interesting, however. Eris wants us to expand to Lapland. This originally Finnish region is currently occupied by Russia, and it could be interesting to see if we can play a part in liberating it. At least it seems that with Eris in office we can look forward to more military training opportunities.

The Outsiderseko38, Justice And Development party
seko38 hasn't done much out of himself lately. I guess the 4 months old presentation of himself and the JDP will still be valid reading. Unlike the two other candidates, seko38 has no former experience as country president. Looking at his goals, he aims for a veritable baby boom of 55% and no less than 27% raise of the GDP. That means 475 new citizens and a GDP of 1057 by the beginning of May. Interesting.

So, to sum up the alternatives in a very neutral and non-subjective way: Who do you want? The little fat penguin, the inexperienced outsider, or the hot sexy chick in uniform? 😉