Appeal to the presidents of the members of PHOENIX, или УсёШефы

Day 1,135, 16:30 Published in Russia Belarus by darsdm

I, being a citizen of eRussia, want to say in the name of the eRussian nation that I am tired to fight for other countries that are not going to defend us when it's really needed. Appealing to you, I'm raising the issue of the necessity of the PHOENIX alliance and think that it should be disestablished and a new Collective Security treaty should be approved, creating a new stronger alliance.

The key positions of the new Collective Security treaty:
1. Every member of the Collective Security Alliance should help another while it is in military or financial trouble
2. The Council of the Collective Security Alliance should arrange the priority to every battle of the Alliance.
3. The Parliament of Collective Security Alliance should discuss the main international economic projects
4. Every member of the Collective Security Alliance should have the CSA Reserve Fund to help other members in financial crisis.

Увы, прежний альянс был слишком шатким. Стоило нам чуть ослабить альянсовский пояс, как сразу страны стали покидать альянс. Считаю нецелесообразным дальнейшее существование альянса. Готовьте Акт о роспуске и проект нового Договора Коллективной Безопасности