Apparently Some of eAustrian PEACE Community Think

Day 701, 16:33 Published in Austria Japan by Alfred Ball

I have been told I am not welcome here in eAustria due to my political alignments, which alliance I support and defended dearly in North America and Croatia. To this I will mention no names, they will probably troll this article and with that I will laugh at them! But I will address them by saying this:

You have no right to tell me where I should and shouldn't be. I will tell you to continue to cry of my existence in my new eHome whom I have grown to love. Yes even you little PEACE cry babies how could my eDays would go on without you.

I am here to stay for better or for worse, just know this. No one will remove me, no scandal can hurt me, no dissenting opinions will break me.

A Message From eAustria's Very Own EDEN Pig as they would say!!!