Apartheid in South Korea

Day 672, 06:38 Published in USA North Korea by Dubster

To the countries supporting Apartheid in South Korea.

Romania, Spain, Poland and Croatia.

After almost a month since the Theocrat PTO invasion of the free regions of South Korea I wish to tell you what kind of country you support with your mutual protection pacts.

I write as a former North Korean who fought in the USA, Romania, Spain and Greece after our own countries downfall to defend freedom.

Prior to the Theocratic PTO the proposed government of the new South Korea was to be made of half former North Koreans and half South Koreans. A place for all the lost Koreans to call home.

Now it is a Theocratic regime that treats its Koreans as second class citizens.

The Theocrat regime has this month,

• Increased Tax and VAT on Food and Weapons to 50%

• Embargoed Japan, stopping imports and causing Korean owned companies to suffer without their natural trading partner

• Failed to include Korean congressmen in any of their decision making process

• Not participated in any real discussion on the South Korean forum or IRC channel

• Degraded Korean and Japanese people alike in the news and media

• Stolen money from the countries accounts

• Called in articles for Koreans to “GT[bip] FO” of Korea

The Theocrats can call it whatever like, but their regime in South Korea is Apartheid.

The definition of Apartheid by the 2002 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court:

"committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime."

Now many Koreans choose to remain in Japan than live in this highly taxed oppressive regime. This was not the Korea we hoped for when we peacefully sought independence from Japan.

If you’re against the Theocratic Apartheid regime in South Korea please sign and vote.

Anyone wishing to vote for South Korean freedom tomorrow or in the future should get in touch with Spade, Alfagrem or myself.

