AP:EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW- PM Zaney Unveils Australia's New Direction

Day 382, 03:58 Published in Australia Australia by Vincent Grey

The Australian Patriot - The News of Choice for eAustralians.
"Fast, objective and impartial Australian reporting"
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AP:EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - Prime Minister Zaney Talks Exclusively to The Austalian Patriot After Milestone Victory

NSW: eAustralia today voted Zaney as the country's first post-independance Prime Minister. The Provisional Government Party leader was the only candidate to stand for the vote taking office unopposed. Although voter turnout was below average at 36.21% (42 votes in total), citizen expectations are high for radical economic and social policy reforms to restabilize the ill functioning country.

The election comes as a relief to eAustralians after deadlock in the country's leadership prevented any national activity. However, political progress will still be temporarily impeded until after the senate elections are held on the 15th of December. Many bills require the approval of the Senate before they can be enacted into law.

Prime Minister-elect Zaney was interviewed exclusively by The Australian Patriot today, where he unveils his goverment's policies to tackle the post-occupation crisis.


Featuring Vincent Grey and Prime Minister-elect Zaney

Prime Minister. Good evening and congratulations on your election. Do you have any words to say to the eAustralian people?

Thank you for your patience. It's been a long 9 months but we're here now and it's time we made the most of it!
I am happy to be able to hold the title of eAustralian PM again, and I hope you all will also value this new opportunity we have!

eAustralia now has a Prime Minister to guide the country through this very critical and uncertain period. And as you know, the economy is in severe disarray. Some say it is virtually non-existent. How does your government plan to tackle such an enormous task?

The government had planned, and announced, for eAustralia to have a 'frozen' economy until the Minimum wage could be lowered, taxes managed and Victoria to be freed so Australian owned 'co-operating' companies could assist. However things went awry when admin decided not to allow us a congress.

The effects of the Indonesian occupation left scores of Australians homeless and mass starvation is imminent. How is your government going to respond to this urgent crisis?

We plan on taking a centrist approach and planning the economy fully until the market can support itself. Particularly in regaurd to AUD. I would like to announce here that every person who intends to start a company MUST contact Corny-Ratbag about it. The effect of unemployment and food was an unfortunate mis-hap. Originally it was the governments [well advertised] position to have only about 5 citizens in NSW to act as congress. However eager citizens declined to read the many posts and FAQ in the forums, leading to the crisis we have now.
We have a health care system in place [details in the FAQ]. However we can't begin with lower quality companies untill we have lowered the minimum wage

Prime Minister, Does your administration have any minimum wage target values yet? If so What?

1 AUD minimum wage for 'training' companies to be established.

By “Training companies” do you mean State Owned Enterprises?

Yes. Right now we haven't established details, we're waiting to see which industrys will be needing them before we act. It will most likely be Cottus Arci or Corny-Ratbag in charge of nationalised 'training' companies

Changing the topic entirely. On the political spectrum (in terms of left, right centre etc) where do you consider yourself?

In Erepublik, I am very right, very Libertarian. My party[R.P.G] has been the only right-wing party in EAus up to date.
In real life i'm very much leftist, I enjoy my Austudy payments every fortnight and like to be able to go to hospital and not need to sell my house.

What do you think about being Kevin Rudd’s eRival?

Hah, Hardly a rival. I would consider Rudd to be a great diplomat, but terrible 'leader'. I dissagree with almost all of his policies.

In terms of international policy, What is your idea of how you’d like eAustralia to be seen on the international landscape?

I would like to see Australia be viewed on the international scale as a 'culture' nation. One that people love to read about and talk to the citizens of. Much like it is today!. Australia should be neutral for its life time, except for training excersizes for its defence force, and I aim to continue my goal of having great relations with EVERY nation.

How does your government intend to deal with the ATLANTIS – PEACE issue. And what does it mean for eAustralia’s position in the New World?

Australia will remain neutral in regaurd to any situations rising from ATLANTIS and PEACE conflicts. Not just due to contract obligations, but as a direct aim to keep ourselves in positive standings. That does not mean our forces won't fight; Afterall, Erepublik does become boring without war after awhile.

Finally Mr. Prime Minister, How does your government intend to conduct it's diplomatic relations with eIndonseia?

With a pinch of salt. We will not officially ally with Indonesia [in that we assist them in agressive wars or against nations we are friends with]
Nor will we allow our economy to be over-run with their established market.
We will however be in constantly friendly terms with Indonesia, without allowing any recessions into a 'puppet' status.

You must be a very busy man. Thanks very much for joining us and once again congratulations on your election.

Thank you. I hope this helps Australians, that don't read the forums, to understand the situation better.


Stay tuned to AP😛OLITICS for more political news and analysis as it develops.

Vincent Grey
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