Aosta Valley

Day 806, 15:37 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Lynari
**As always, I'm just stating what I observe! I do not mean to criticize!**

This moment, the resistance battle for the Aosta Valley goes on. Italians have released three separate articles meant to imitate Swiss Ministry of Defense orders, but our government seems to have chosen not to speak on the matter. When Congresswoman Sally Trotter questioned how this could be, Eleriel responded by saying 'I thought I had explained why we got Aosta in my latest article.' Indeed, he had addressed the matter the previous day: 'the Spaniards needed us to take Aosta in order to prevent the Italians from blocking them,' but unfortunately, due to 'major server lags,' Spain was unable to return Graubunden and it fell to Italy's possession. This still left much to question, I'm afraid. Had we sanctioned the resistance battle? Could we ever expect Graubunden back? 'Things should be back to normal soon enough,' was our vague answer.

So, battle has finally arisen. Our MoD had released this article, which until recently asked us to fight in the United Kingdom. Personally, I hold Switzerland in a higher regard than EDEN. This battle is a matter of great importance. Clearly, the situation is hostile and negotiation over Graubunden will be difficult. We lose any leverage we had to reacquire it if we lose the Aosta Valley. Unless we intend to surrender Graubunden to Italy for some indeterminate amount of time, we must prove our vigor and hold the region. An uninformed Nicktheh fought for more than ten thousand damage against Switzerland. Ilestis himself fought on Italy's side, seemingly for the sake of it. If we'd been organized, and our MoD orders had called for defense the entire time, the wall might be positive. It's only 1895 below as I write this. I have done all I can. I am currently our battle hero, spending my own money to fight 11500 damage on behalf of Switzerland. Directly behind me is Clifford Burns. It is a sad day when he is among our greatest patriots.
