Another wave of trap companies..

Day 703, 16:25 Published in USA USA by Chris Willson

Deceiving companies putting up high wages for lower skills. DON'T APPLY FOR JOBS HERE:

American Patriot's Q1 Food
High Oil 2 license + workers

First off, if either of these companies listed above are legitimate companies that aren't trap companies, please PM me and I will take them off of the list (I highly doubt it but just in case).

Message to newer players

I was looking through the job market again and see multiple very deceiving companies "paying" workers high wages (shown above). Newer players don't have as big of a voice or as much knowledge as players who have been playing for a while so it's important that we educate them and speak up on their behalf when necessary. This is one of those times. In the same way that I educated the citizens on how to fight (those were good times...), I will continue to educate the citizens on anything else in eRepublik so please, if you have any questions just PM me.

Go to this website:,10495.0.html

It is the Department of Education's 'Protective Guide to Job Hunting by Yang Wenli.' The Department of Education gives a LOT of great information for new players to read. All you have to do is create an account and you'll have access to everything.

If you don't want to look at the forum then here's the basic thing that you need to know: If it says that you can't work for any reason whatsoever then you may quit the job and apply for another job at another company.

Message to older players

We must do something to battle these attempts at hindering the eUSA's growth. These trap companies are taking newer players and letting them die. I would like to commend Colin Lantrip for using his companies to battle this issue. As you can see on the job market's skill 0 page, Colin has used the names of his companies to warn newer citizens that both of the companies are trap companies.

Another idea would be to buy the companies. Both of them are up for sale.

American Patriot - 3rd company down
High Oil - 3rd company down

American Patriot is a bad deal but High Oil is pretty good for it being a Q2 company even though the export license to Indonesia won't be used anytime soon. Now I know that it's giving money to the enemy but the eLife of a eUSA citizen has many more benefits than just gold. They work, fight, and earn money. Over time that amount paid to buy the trap company actually pays off. Let's say that all of the 33 workers from American Patriot (the number of workers has been growing while writing this article) earn a Hard Worker medal. That's 165 gold!

My final idea is to have a group of people PM the citizens in the trap companies to inform them that they're allowed to simply quit their jobs and work at another company. This is also a great way to inform the newer citizens of the many ways they can get involved and help the eUS in a great way.

EDIT: My brilliance has brought yet another idea 😃: Vote up an article like this one informing new citizens of the trap companies and make the title "NEW CITIZENS READ THIS!!" If you get the article in the top 5 then it'll be clearly shown to all of the new citizens.

If anybody has any other ideas simply put them in the comments.

This is Chris Willson saying DO SOMETHING ABOUT THESE TRAP COMPANIES! Thanks for reading!