Another success in another meeting. This time Albania-EDEN

Day 1,389, 13:49 Published in USA North Macedonia by ¤Anon.4750191¤

Albanians started the movements some time ago, firstly organizing a meeting Albania-Greece to make more clear the relations between our 2 countries.
Anyway this time the meeting was organized by Ms.Carmen, the Supreme Commander of EDEN.
The participants in the meeting were the presidents of: Greece, Finland, Australia, Israel, China etc.

All these presidents welcomed Albania and they are waiting for it.
It was confirmed by us (Albanians) that our country will have 0 connection with ONE. There is no way Albania can co-operate with FYROM or Serbia.

Ion Dragoumis, the actual president of Greece confirmed the standing of the former president Vasoulini that Greece will be Albania's ally and friend.

Melmis, the actual Finnish president confirmed support for Albania.

Majester, the Australian president offered help for Albania as much as it can.

The president of Israel offered his country's help too.

Last but not least, People's Republic of China will help Albania inside its possibilities confirmed the president Juzheng.

So this was pretty much the meeting that lasted more than 1 hour.
I want to confirm that Albania will not have relations with Serbia or FYROM.

And I want to tell Albanians that ar reading this to move in USA and contact me. If you are in countries such as FYROM you should leave it immediately. If any of you reading this knows Albanians that aren't staying in USA please inform them.
Let us be united in USA until our country comes.