Another reason to vote UDA

Day 1,040, 04:29 Published in South Africa South Africa by Bobady zoo

While there are hundreds of reasons you should vote for a UDA candidate such as the fact that they are the official party for true South Africans and eSouth Africans and that, well we are awesome. There is one reason that I need to make public as this is very important.

A recent scientific experiment has proven that for every vote that goes to another party other than the UDA, a lolcat dies. I'm serious, if a large number of votes go to the PPSA or IA then the population of lolcats could seriously decline. This is an impending catastrophe for the world!

Do you want to break up this cute family

Or harm these guys

I most certainly do not want to hurt these guys and that is why You and I will be voting for the UDA