Another Kind of Election - Part II

Day 446, 10:21 Published in USA USA by NoneSuch

I feel that I need to write a follow-up article concerning the United Independents party presidency election in light of recent events. Angrr has decided to step down for a number of reasons and he will be missed by many.

- Activity -

In my last article I had taken the stance that little had been done for the party during his term, but to the contrary, he was doing his best but a lack of support from within the party is what real problem was. As I stated in my last article I will be appointing a full party cabinet. If people actually apply for the positions then I am positive that our activity levels will go up and we can expect a lot more from this party in the coming month.

- Welcoming the NP -

This came as a huge surprise to many of our members, including me, to see the NP joining our ranks. Angrr already has an article out on the merger so I won't get into the details of the merger, but I will say that all of us UI members are glad to have the NP with us and I only hope that we can continue to start off on the right foot.

- Tradition -

The UCP was all about traditions and respecting our history. While I still respect our history and all that the party has done for the country, I am seeing the party go in a new direction. Justin pointed something out the other night... after 7 terms of Justin as PP it's no wonder why we never seemed to change. No offense Justin. 🙂 What I'm trying to get at is that while all of us respect and appreciate all of our old traditions, we shouldn't be afraid to make some new ones in the upcoming months. In just this past week we've had some major changes affect the party setting a precedent for some more.

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- In Conclusion -

If I had to give you all one reason as to why you should give me your support this election, The Epic Debates. That should be enough.