Another day of Washingtonshchina (EN)

Day 608, 05:48 Published in USA Russia by tutumba
All for the people, everything for freedom.
The government of Washingtonshchina closely monitors public opinion. Any resident of the province may ask the governor about anything. So the nurse from Novokryzhopol (formerly Olympia), Jessica Johnotanovna Green wrote: "Dear Governor, it is so good, that we have you and you leads us right road ahead! The residents of Novokryzhopol are want to know - when the mass shooting enemies of American people will start? When will be punished traitors, who support the murderous regime of ex-eUSA?
The Governor responded immediately: "Dear Jessica Johnotanovna, you asked an important and necessary question. In the former eUSA still a lot of criminal elements. They are blood ang flesh of the deposed criminal regime eUSA. Nevertheless, at this moment, all our weapons came to the front. The point is that the number of troops eUSA and their allies in eCanada considerably higher than our troops. Therefore, we spend a lot more bullets than usual. But respecting the right to choose of our new citizens and to your numerous requests, I issued a special decree. We allow a traitor to make a suicide. Will be created special uranium mines, the quality of 5. Everyone will be able to dispose of themselves in a mine for only 20 days. We are working to fulfill your wishes dear friends."

Occupants strikes back.
High level of banditry on the outskirts of the province remains. Today in the 6 am a group of invaders crossed the border. Criminal family: John Elder Johnovich Bush, John Middle Johnovich Bush and John Junior Johnovich Bush. Banda stormed to roost of kolkhoz "Free America" and arranged for a bloody chaos. Elder Bush put chickens in a row, and demanded that each quote the constitution eUSE. Hens cluck and trembling under the Bush's trunks, but none of them broke down in front of the enemy. Each bravely staring into the eyes of the bandits and did not breathe a word. Realized that here he can not find traitors of freedom - Elder Bush came to rabies, one after another, he shot all birds. Victims of violent occupiers did not have time to cool and troops of Free Washingtonshchina surrounded the roost. Bandits reacted instantly. Junior Bush ran to the window, but does too much speed and hit the window sill. Squeak "Oh", he fell out the window. The Elder Bush, a hero of Defense in Alaska, decided to take a position in the attic. From there he can keep under fire the entire yard. Short rush, constantly keeping the window at gunpoint, he rushed up. Boom!!! And a head of Elder Bush found that the attic locked! Elder Bush fell down like a bag. Left alone, Middle Bush, cried with the "they killed Johnny!" tightly squeezed his rifle in his hands and lost consciousness. Now the whole trinity is receiving treatment in a correctional-health institution "Swallow."

New factories of Washingtonshchina.
Not only the people of Washingtonshchina gladly welcomed their liberators. Liberators also received support from a big business. Well-known entrepreneur comrade eGeyts announced the establishment of the software development factory "Red button-presser" in the city Unclededov (formerly Redmond). The factory will take place well-known company eMicrosoft. Director of Factory, comrade eBalmer, has announced the release of a new operating system "Avdotya". The operating system will be supplied in three basic configurations: "Avdotya and red proletarian", "Avdotya and red engineer", "Avdotya and red
scientist". It is now a beta version works. It is used in the army and called the "Avdotya and red officer". Company eBoing also cooperates with joy. They are realized their mistakes and now are happy to hammer out swords of freedom for eRussia Liberation Army. Now, Red Boeing in Washingtonshchina is manufactured great tickets and weapons for eRussia Liberation Army.