Announcing The Southern Cross Party!

Day 919, 04:14 Published in Australia Australia by Timeoin

Today, an exciting new Australian Party has been born.

And that exciting new party is The Southern Cross Party.

Earlier tonight, the members of KATES PARTY met today to discuss whether or not to keep the name, or to change it to a new name.

Im happy to announce the results of this meeting (Game rules forbid me from publishing a complete log of the meeting).

However, I can tell you the from this day forward The Southern Cross Party will be an official Australian Party.

There will be two aims of this new party:
1. To look after the interests of new players.
2. To look after the businesses that look after new players.

So in other words, our party will be looking at helping players, but it hasnt completely abandoned its Business-focus days from the True Blue Party.

Expect to hear from us soon.

-Timeoin (Party President, The Southern Cross Party)