Announcing the Sol Reform Group

Day 772, 14:27 Published in South Africa Austria by Albert Neurath

Sol has so far languished in obscurity, known only to the people living within its borders. It has lurched from failure to failure, starting with the withdrawl of Japan from the alliance, and the inability of the alliance to stand up to the pressures of Brazil. We cannot allow Sol to continue like this, lest we risk losing the remaining scraps of political capital we have.

I come here today representing the Sol Reform Group. It is our goal to see Sol become a first-class power on the world stage, able to defend its borders from PTOs and foreign aggression. There are goals we must accomplish for this to become a reality.

1. All member states of Sol should double their population. Although this may be a hard goal to accomplish, it is well within our reach. Malaysia managed to double its population, going from being a small, weak nation to becoming one of the larger nations in the alliance. Population = greater political capital, something that Sol desperately needs.

2. Sol MUST secure a High Iron resource. High Iron is crucial to the economy of Sol, as it is the force driving most of the wars around the world. There are two high Iron regions that Sol has a claim to already, Liaoning and Heliongjiang, both in China. If Sol can convince India to join, then we would have a third in Karnataka. The future of Sol's economy and ability to defend itself hinges upon the control of at least one of these regions.

3. Sol must expand to include India. India, in addition to being the rightful owner of Karnataka, also has the second largest RL population in the world. This is a vast source of potentially untapped players, especially valuable to an alliance whose greatest weakness is a small population. Since India right now is the football in an international match, we would only have to wait for them to regain their footing, and they would become much more amenable to joining Sol.

4. Sol must create a unified military force. Although efforts have been taken to create one, Sol honestly is not putting as much effort into it as they could. A unified military force should not just be one for the elites, but also one for the new players. For Sol to effectively defend its borders, we must put more effort into creating this force.

5. Sol must build links with the Entente and unaffiliated nations. The Entente right now is up against the wall, its territory compromised by Spain. I am fully confident that they will regain their sovereignty, and when that happens it is in our best interests to reach out to them. France threw away their past defending Malaysia, and they are natural allies of ours.

6. Sol must create a common treasury to fund its political and military efforts. This position would be overseen by a Chancellor, similar to the British Chancellor of the Exchequer. Each country in Sol should donate a fixed amount, to be decided based upon population, to the treasury so we can provide for our common defense.

7. Sol must, at least until we gain a larger population, remain neutral in international conflict. When South Africa let Brazil through into Australia, that was a severe blow to our credibility. We cannot afford another thing like that.

I would like to take this moment to announce two things. If you are a believer in reforming Sol, then please join the Sol Reform Group. PM me if you wish to join us.

Also I am running for Chairman of Sol on January 10th. If you support my campaign, please write your Sol Representative and tell him or her that you want change.

Albert Neurath