Announcing My Vice President

Day 923, 04:17 Published in Ireland Ireland by castaneda
This Lady Is eIrelands Favorite Confection

wer's donut lol

DONUT aka Einberliner

As my Vice President Donut will have complete control of our MoC and MoNC in regards to the direction both departments will take . Donut has ideas on how to improve the wellfare of our wee-ebabies and younger citizens ,
I would also like her to have a large role in discussions on all other deptartments of government during my term.
I value her opinions greatly and she is one of eIrelands most trustworthy and reliable citizens

Donut will also be the New MoC , I think Donut has proved herself in this role on many occasions and i have the greatest faith in her abilities.

Minister of Defence Cpl Useless
Useless (oh the irony ,,, everytime) has done a great job with the IDF as both CoS and as Current MoD as has his team, I do not intend to change his existing team but i do intend to add advisory role's from some of our most militarily minded citizens . Stay tuned for details !!!!

Minister Of Finance Nogin The Nog
Current MoF Nogin is another of Irelands most notable citizens , With a fantastic knowledge of ingame economics Nogin has done an amazin job with moo lately . I dont know if many know how well our finances have fared under these two ministers but i know they have done extremely well in the current economic conditions. Ideally i would like Nogin to have a co-minister to share the burden and i will strive to fill this position before elected.

I am working towards bringing you the best Cabinet i possibly can. The best will be needed if i am elected because i expect it to be one of our busiest months ever in erepublik.
If any party or citizen would like to nominate someone for a deputy position PM me , there will be deputy positions available in all depts bar defence (i intend wargame sim's to educate citizens on military matters and from there we can expand our pool for future defence positions)
I also have some posts for Ministers available ,so if your interested get typing.

Thanks for your time .

Vote for War on the 5th
Vote for Castaneda and Donut

Castaneda For President