Announcing My Candidacy: GLP Party President!

Day 570, 09:00 Published in Turkey USA by Bastion

Today I announce my candidacy for Greek Liberation Party President!


Too long have I sat on the sidelines and allowed the oppression of my Greek brethren. Too long have I said to myself, "someone else will help to liberate their lands". Too long have I permitted the hostile marginalization of an honorable, peace-loving people by a brutal occupying force.


If is now my sole purpose in this eLife to see my Greek brethren a free people, residing in all of their original territories. And make no mistake: we will accomplish this purpose! With a long tradition in αντάρτικο (guerrilla warfare), the Greeks are prepared to make their complete freedom a reality. By any means necessary, we will accomplish this purpose.


This political step is the first, but it is critical to our success. It is foundational! I encourage ALL members of the GLP to vote for me in on the 15th. I encourage ALL freedom-loving citizens of Turkey to join the GLP and vote for me on the 15th. I encourage all Greek citizens in exile to vote for me on the 15th.

FOR FREEDOM! Vote Bastion for GLP PP!

FOR JUSTICE! Vote Bastion for GLP PP!

FOR HONOR! Vote Bastion for GLP PP!

FOR Greece! Vote Bastion for GLP PP!


Candidate for GLP Party President