Announcing my Candidacy [CP]

Day 2,231, 11:56 Published in South Africa South Africa by Marmaduke IV

Last month in a tight primary race, I was edged out by a former president with ties to the elitist plurality. This month, there will be no such primary and no such shenaniganry.

I am running for President of eSouth Africa this upcoming January. Look out for my full propaganda platform to be released in the next 48hrs. In the meantime, here are some points I'd like to highlight, followed by a short video that sums up my candidacy.

-The Lazokrats are here to stay
-Multi accounts only serve to hurt our country for all of us
-Integration and acceptance is necessary, but cannot happen if cheating is occurring
-Lowering of taxes is preferable to social programs
-If MUs will not combine (which is optimal), then leadership must stay in constant communication
-Bureaucracy must be limited, especially for proven active citizens (ie- daily forms --> weekly forms)
-We must not ally with a country that does not respect us and our sovereignty

If anyone, especially party presidents, have any questions, please PM me or post below.

~The Honorable Arch Bishop Dr. Marmaduke Exilious Alphonso IV, Sr, OB/GYN