Announcement of Presidential Candidature

Day 1,075, 19:50 Published in Austria Austria by Travis James

Liebe Oesterreicher,

After careful consideration I have decided to candidate for the Austrian Presidency. I make this announcement knowing full well that it is a monumental task which I seek to undertake. At this time, I do not have a proposed cabinet, but I shall begin working to locate qualified individuals for a cabinet posthaste.
My platform is relatively straightforward. I will strive to restore the territorial integrity of nation through a combination of diplomacy, well-chosen MPP’s and military actions. In addition to this, I shall endeavor to create an economic recovery that will stabilize prices and wages at a level which is closer to the international standard than that which we are currently faced with.
Another of the problems that our country is faced with is a dwindling population in which larger and larger segments of the population are becoming increasingly less active. I hope to initiate a series of programs which will help to reverse this trend and help our nation regain the vibrancy which once characterized it in the realms of culture, politics and military.
I realize that many of the younger Austrian citizens may not be particularly familiar with me, but let me assure you that I am a longstanding member of the Austrian community. I was eBorn in Vorarlberg on day 586 of the new world and have never held any citizenship other than Austrian. I have served in the Austrian congress for 13 terms and served in various administrations (although this was many months ago now) as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Immigration.
In short, I am a committed member of the Austrian community who has demonstrated my allegiance to this country through my service in the military and political realms for well over a year. In the coming days I will release a proposed cabinet list and a more detailed agenda. Until then, stand tall Austrians and know that this nation shall never be permanently defeated.

Forever in Your Service,

Travis James
-OIP Party President x8
-Former Minister of Foreign Affairs x2
-Former Minister of Immigration x2
-Former Deputy Minister of Immigration
-Austrian Congressman x13