Announcement: eJapan is back

Day 1,572, 01:18 Published in Japan China by Chise E Tamai

Designated time: Day 1573
Designated location: Hokkaido

So yes. It happened.

A conclusion has been reached. eROC(Taiwan) has agreed that one region will be released according to the time and location listed above: Day 1573, in Hokkaido. RWs on that date in Hokkaido would not be stopped; in fact, we might expect to see some Taiwanese fighting on our side! (for mercenary medal, that is)

The conditions in which the region would be released under for is pretty much the same as the conditions that I have announced before the election: reject pro-ONE nations & group, help Taiwan's ally, ATO against pro-ONE group members, not supporting RWs against Taiwan, and monitor Bank of Japan better. In short, my proposals were accepted, and we are back.

Thank you for all eJapan citizens who have supported me and my attempt. Without your help, I would never had the opportunity to make this happen; thank you once again, to all citizens eJapan!

I would also advice citizens to not make major RW attempts before that date, and/or make RWs in regions other than Hokkaido.

For the record, is the announcement from Taiwan.

Thank you,

Chise E. Tamai
President of eJapan

March 10th, 2012 (Day 1572)