Anime Music(Day 2,148)

Day 2,148, 02:49 Published in Japan Belgium by sto kila bazuki

Hello !!!

For today we have:
Suki Dakara
Anime: Bokura ga Ita
Artist: Izumi Katou
[Takahashi: Yano, What do you want for Christmas?
Yano : Nana-Chan.]

Crossing Field
Anime: Sword Art Online (SAO)
Artist: LiSA
Due copyright issues had to switch to male version
Suna no Oshiro
Anime: Vampire Knight Guilty
Artist: Kanon Wakeshima
Slip Out
Anime: Beck
Artist: Beat Crusaders (not sure)
Anime: Bleach
Artist Ikimono gakari
reminds me of this 😁 (hanabi= flower pentals)

That will be all for today. Don't forget to vote and subscribe.
For today there isn't question cuz I runned out of ideas.
If you have song (you don't have to find the info it's my job to find it) or question just post it in the comments.
See you next time, bye.