AngryMobMan's BC Bound

Day 1,005, 14:59 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

Dear British Colombia,

On the 25th of August, the congressional elections will be running nation-wide, and world-wide, and right now, I wish to announce that I will be running for Congress, in your beautiful province under the Democratic Action League (DAL)'s banner banner (I wish to extend my greatest thanks to not only Jbdivinus, the PP of DAL, but also ALL of the DAL party, that has allowed me to run with them this time around).

It has been a while since I have actually been in congress (it has been a long and tiresome 3 months now), but I feel that I am ready again, to have another shot at becoming a congress member for Canada. So eCanada, let me answer a few questions for you:

Why Am I Qualified For Congress?

Well, to answer it bluntly, I have already had a great amount of experience in congress; over the previous months. In fact, I have already been a 3-time congressman in Ontario (and now i am looking for a fourth time in congress, now in British Colombia)! But of course, knowing about congress, is just NOT enough nowadays. For you to be a good congressman (in my opinion), you also need to understand how to work alongside the Executive (Cabinet) Branch, and as well posses skills that allow you to work well with others, be productive, be creative, and also be able to present your ideas and critique in a timely and calm manner (and eCanada, as you have seen from me, I do posses all of those skills).

What Do I Bring To Congress?

This term, I intend to bring three key elements into congress! First, I bring AN OPEN MIND, in order to critique and comment justly on work of others (none of that "My way or no way" BS), and to help convey the "public opinion" better in congress. Second, I bring a VOICE (and a pretty loud one too, if you've ever heard me rant and rave in articles, in IRC, or any place for that matter) to congress, to help voice the opinions of the Canadian Citizen, to help make congress THAT MUCH MORE representative of everyone! Finally, I bring FRESH IDEAS; ideas for reforms and amendments on all of our official documents (to help bring them up to date, which can and will include making older documents look better), and so much more!

What Do I Intend To Complete This Term?

Well in BC this coming term, I intend to complete three key things this term. First of all, I want to update many of our old congressional laws and amendments, so that way it is easier for citizens like you to read them (instead of having to try and make the connections yourself). Second of all, I wish to aid the Board of University, by making further reforms on the educational acts made in congress over the previous terms! Finally, I wish to help bring further infrastructure into eCanada (a few DS's and Hospitals have been laid down, but now that a war is going on, we need to further prepare ourselves!)


So there you have it! If you have any further questions about this, please drop me a line HERE and i will get back to you as soon as possible!

Nonetheless, thank you for reading, and on August 25th, Vote For YOUR MAN, THE ANGRYMOBMAN! (00AngryMobMan00 running in British Colombia under the prestigious DAL Banner)!

Congressman x3,
eCanada's Minister of Foreign Affairs