Andy Costello's VP Pick

Day 832, 15:59 Published in USA USA by Andy Costello

So I think it is about the time for me to announce who I have chosen to be my Vice Presidential candidate for this upcoming election. My advisors and I have thought long and hard about whom I should choose.

Andy thinks about his VP choice....don't know what's with the hair though :/

This evening I made my decision.

I choose......AERSIDIUS!!


Aersidius is dedicated, intelligent, commited to the US, and more than qualified to be my VP.

His accomplishments:
--Party President of AAP
--Current DoS-BAA Asia Region Boss
--2x Congressman of Kansas
--Former Chairman of the Infrastructure Subcommittee
--Former Ambassador to Turkey
--Former Deputy Director of the CTF
--Former Deputy Ambassador to Malaysia
--Director of Recruiting for AAP
--Graduated the USTC with Honors
--Served in the HG
--Currently Organizing a Party Militia, TF-141.

Andy Approves

Andy in battle with generic eUK Citizen A

Good Luck to all the other candidates!!

Much Love,