AndraX2000's eRepublik Tools Update

Day 859, 09:05 Published in USA USA by AndraX2000

After some work, I am pleased to announce the newest version of AndraX2000's eRepublik Tools.

The Good News

New tool - Friendly Fire. This tool lets you quickly friend a list of people.

New tool - Supply Drop. This tool provide links to the donation page for a list of people.

New tool - Pre-election Research. This is just a big page of links to the pre-election nominations. US only.

New tool - eUSA Party Census. Generates party census lists. US only. Please do not use this to poach from other parties.

The Weapons of Mass Distribution Tools now use a database instead of the API. This allows the tools to run much quicker.

The Parser and Party Census provide not only a list of IDs, but also links to the other WMD tools, for easy mailing, friending, and donating.

The Wellness Cost Optimizer still uses the API so that it's data is as fresh as eRep allows.

The Bad News

The content of the DB I use is not entirely in my control, which is no different than the API. Since the DB is filled periodically, information may be a bit out of date. The DB I use is a little US-centric, so US data should be no more than a couple days old, but world data could be as much older. This means that new citizens may not be found by the mailer. You can still use their IDs to mail them, but the [NAME] tag will not work.

The Mailer no longer accepts any tag other than [NAME]. No one really used the other tags much, but if enough people request it, I will add them back in.

If the API is down, the Wellness Cost Optimizer and Friendly Fire tools will not function.


These tools are, as far as I know, completely legal with the eRep ToS and Rules. They do not circumvent captchas or use screen scraping. If any tool is found to be illegal by the admin, I will remove or rewrite it. However, use is at your own risk. Information presented by the tools may not be accurate.