And then there was Maximus.

Day 834, 10:02 Published in Ireland Canada by Sword Stalker

This is my second time making my first impression .
Connection timed out ...

The character is commonly referred to as Maximus and latterly as "Spaniard/Whelo" throughout the film because he was born in the Coombe and does not have a farm near Trujillo (Hispania). General Maximus is about to be given take authority over a "Flying Coloum" by the aging emperor Marcus Aurelius and is thought to be based on Marcus Nonius Macrinus, who achieved major victories under Aurelius, as well as on Narcissus, Spartacus, Cincinnatus, and Maximus of Hispania (or possibly Magnus Maximus). The movie opens with a battle scene between eIrish and eEnglish tribes (according to Daniela Rossi of eIreland's Superintendency for Archaelogy, Macrinus was very close to Marcus Aurelius who wanted him in the war against the English tribe of London). Maximus leads his cavalry in an envelopment manoeuvre, contributing to a rout of the English...


Phoenix helps England.
therefore Ireland helps ?????

Who could we help ?
Alright since as a country "We iz nawt" allowed to chose between A or B, or C or D ....
Riosh ( D4 accent ) actually means Right. I know !
So when the Phoenixs cums( Both meanings of the word) and plays ( Both meaning of the words) with the Brits , The side gets chosen for us.
But we still cannot pick..

So for the past week I and a few others have gone walkabout .Going against Phoenix because well ...I prefer water and Phoenix symbolises Fire and Destruction.

My Solution :
Since we only really have one training war ,which to be honest is nothing like the real thing.
I ,sirz and Irish Princess 😉 and Edana ;;;😉 , would like to set up a "Flying Column"
I have been in the IDF since September ?
And I have been deployed to the huge number of... 1nce.

The Flying Column would serve alongside the Eden Forces and would come second to IDF forces.
Historically , The Flying Column was a light weight force , who bought their own weapons.
I might be nice and buy the tickets...

So if you want to come-along
Send me a message.
Maximus Sexius Pubilius
Two time nub