And the snap begins!

Day 1,253, 23:12 Published in USA United Kingdom by Metta WorldPeace

When I first arrived in the New World, i noticed this party called cCc IncCI or whatever its called. When the Congressional election occurred 2 days ago. I noticed that most of them there iNCiers were eTurks. Upon further review, most of them were Turkish. This did not make me happy.

Later, i began to think "Who the hell do these people think they are? Are they eTurkish outcasts? or they just bad people?". After much (by much I mean very few) deliberation, I decided, I no longer like eTurkish people. (notice the E)

So as I sat there frustrated, I finally knew. We must march against the InC peoples and there funkytown language!

Now you might say "All iNCi members are not turkish". Well, that might as well be. They are in a party that is obviously not eAmerican and continue to be apart of it. Please do not think this article "nationalistic" or "racist". It is a simply rant that I felt, as a person, I needed to publish to make myself feel better, and now I am happy.

(J.W. Bullwinkle does not support or accept racism in real life or in game. All Matters listed in this article are completely coincidental.)