And Our Resolve Has Never Been Stronger

Day 662, 03:56 Published in Japan Japan by Reiji Mitsurugi

A Korean soldier stands watch over a helicopter bringing refugees from occupied Seoul.

War is a test of any country's mettle. We, the people and soldiers of the Great Japanese Empire, have been tested. There is no question, on anyone's part, that we have passed this test with flying colors. Our Korean brothers fell under attack, and we met this threat with courage and strength. The enemy thought they were fighting the grand PEACE alliance, but in fact it was Japan. We stood, together with some friends from around the worl😛 Australia and the Philippines both contributed significantly, along with some paramilitary groups such as the Revolutionary Soldiers and the Chinese Alpha Legion. And though we ended in disappointment, with the enemies in control of a few districts of the Korean peninsula, we did not suffer defeat, by anyone's measure.

Anti-Theocrat rioters in Daejon

Our enemies are now trapped, like rats, in a few tiny acres of land that they have secured for themselves. Sandwiched between the Great Japanese Empire and our Russian allies, they know that their days are numbered. It is only a matter of time before the entire peninsula is back under the control of the Righteous Nation. It is only a matter of time before Korea is free again.

For all right-thinking people are acutely aware that there is no such place as the 'Theocratic Nation of South Korea.' It is a historical fact that no such place ever existed and never will. There is only the Republic of Korea. With its rightfully, democratically-elected government. That of Spade, of Yonai Keiko, of Myung Kei, of Alfagrem and so many other names that have for longer than anyone can remember been associated with Korea. They are a government-in-exile, but they are indisputably the proper, fair, and righteous government of Korea. Hear the words of Reiji Mitsurugi now, people of Korea: I will not abandon you. I vow that you will one day know freedom and peace. For so long you were a protectorate, it is now time for you to be a free, harmonious nation. Side by side with all the other great nations of the world.

A Korean protestor prefers death to Theocratic slavery.

Some have suggested that having the Theocrats in power is acceptable. Some have gone so far as to say: “Well, at least South Korea is standing on its own now.” Some ignorant of the history have sai😛 “We owe Korean independence to the Theocrats, so it's only fair that they are in power.” Let me take a moment to educate the populace as to why Theocracy is insufferable.

The Theocratic system of governance is based on apartheid. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, apartheid refers to crimes against humanity committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of oppression and domination by one group over all others, and committed in the interest of maintaining that regime. That, is Theocracy. They have established the economy with cripplingly high tax rates, taken together with absurdly high minimum wages, such that any business owner who is not subsidized by the Theocratic government cannot maintain himself. And such that any employee who is not subsidized by the Theocratic government cannot feed himself. And in the rare case that someone can manage to stay afloat, the majority of whatever income they are making is seized by the Theocratic government, gone to feed further oppression.

Enraged Korean nationalists burn Dio Maksas in effigy with copies of the Book of Dio

The Theocrats talk about their excellent social welfare programs. And true, they are among the best in the world. Except that 'social welfare' means 'Theocrat welfare.' Only those who are part of their club, who bow to their idols, are beneficiaries of the Theocratic welfare system. This system, built on the backs of what are essentially slaves, is how the Theocrats themselves have come to be so strong. The Dios: Akira and Maksas, their president Colinar, they are among the most brutishly strong fighters on the planet. They didn't get so strong by being generous to the peasants.

To have such crimes against humanity taking place just on the other side of a fence on the Korean peninsula is insufferable. I say again, people of Korea: I will not abandon you.

- Reiji Mitsurugi, Friend of Korea
-레이지 밑수루기, 한국의친구