And not to yield [S]

Day 554, 12:23 Published in Canada Canada by Strongside Industries

To strive, to seek, to find
And not to yield

The eWorld has changed; this much is known. The Romanian Empire lost most of their high Iron regions, threatening their existence (or, at least, relevance). PEACE has come forward to Canada to try to woo us over to their gold-bug juggernaut. eUSA declared neutrality. eUK waits to see what others do. eSpain realizes their importance as an ATLANTIS (does that mean anything anymore) ally with the high Iron region. Sweden goes on a "you know what sucks? Germans" crusade. eCanada stands with a decision on their hands and the stage is set for the new dawn of our world.

In fact, this time last week it looked all but final that Canada was going to be a PEACE ally--or, at least, it seemed to be the logical choice for the nation. Think about it: access to cheap Iron, an open market for our oil (which needs some help) and diamonds, not to mention the end of the Franco-Canadian war. From an economic point of view, it made sense.

From a military standpoint it made sense too: if we didn't join PEACE we probably would be mired in RWs in a few weeks. The ruskies flooding in the north and the French in the east, all backed by the magic gold making machine of the PEACE army.

However, there has been one recent development that could halt this decision. Romanian forces PTOed Indonesia and now hold 50% of its congress, and there is a strong likelihood that they could control the government after the next presidential election. With a divided Indo, could Canada with a group of staunch allies survive a PEACE attack? Not with the gold bug against us, but at least there would be a glimmer of light on the horizon of that bloody conflict.

So here, my friends, lies the question. Do we buy security and prosperity at the cost of sovereignty? Do we join PEACE with their seemingly unstoppable army? There is peace there; there is wealth there. There is a larger family to be a part of, to profit from and to expand our global influence with.

However, I suspect that we here in Canada are here for a reason: we want to be on the frontier. We want to be innovators. We want our sovereignty. What are we? Are we suits or are we cowboys? Are we second rate citizens in an empire who cares nothing for us, or are we pioneers? Are we Wall Street or...or.....Wolverines! (Whoa...where did THAT come from?).

We here at Strongside Industries realize that we carry no clout in the eCanadian congress, government or general hearts and minds of the citizenship. But we are a proudly Canadian corporation and we would submit to any decisions made by this government. However, we urge those who have made Canada their home to think about why it is we are here. We wish to build our own little piece of the garden here, undisturbed. We wish to prosper and see others propser. We are here because we wish to stand up in the face of a Global Empire and tyranny and say that this is our land, true north, strong and, most importantly, free.

We here at Strongside Industries would rather have foreign boots land on our shores--boots that we can push back to the heathen lands from which they came--than have the foreign dress-shoes of slimy diplomats lusting after our resources and planning our "integration" into their vile machine.

So my brethren, be proud of your country and begin to prepare your lives for the coming conflict, for a conflict will surely come if we continue down this path to retaining our sovereignty. And welcome that conflict and cover yourselves with glory if history asks it of you.

As always, in this day and in those dark ones to come
stay Strong.
