Analysis of the turkish babyboom.

Day 1,069, 12:56 Published in Cyprus Spain by OutSmarter

I'm going to logically analyze the babyboom that Turkey suffered some days ago. I'm not accusing anyone of breaking the eRepublik Laws, I'm just giving info and stats. I let everybody take their own conclusions.

I'll start looking at new citizens stats on Turkey and Greece.


You can see it by yourself in this website.

October 18th
11:30 Starts the babyboom.
19:30 Babyboom gets paused at 1875 new citizens. No new citizens until 11:30 of the next day. (Turkey was deleted?)

Note. The famous article in real turkish press was published at 21:30 of this day. It got 48 comments, most of them from people who were alredy playing eRepublik.

October 19th
11:30 It comes back. Suddenly 873 new citizens come to the New World.

After this, number of new citizens decreases at a common rithm.


You can see it by yourself in this website.

October 18th
11:30 Starts the babyboom.
19:30 1896 new citizens.

Note. Until here, I've just made a copy & paste of turkish part because the hours and numbers are awesomely the same and the shape the graphic does is also the same, it's just at a different scale.

20:00 3850 new citizens. 2000 in half an hour. Looks like babies who were going to be born in Turkey changed their location fast.

October 19th

11:00 7339 new citizens. Point of inflection. After this hour number of new citizens drastically drops.

End of the analysis.

Possible explanation that I give to all this to my dear reader.

Turks read that famous article before it got published because they have mental powers.
Babies were awesomelly coordinated by telepathy (Remember, they have mental powers) and that's why they went exactly the same amount of them to Turkey and Greece, making a perfect parabole in the graphic.
Turks are jedis.

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