Analysis of the new Energy-System

Day 1,744, 10:20 Published in Germany Germany by Lifthrasir

Hi there,

so now we have Energy instead of health and we can store up to 600 health instead of only 100. So what does this mean? Many think it means, that u have to log in only half the time and still make the same damage. But is this true? Let's see.

Let's start with 0 health, no health to recover, Q5 Town-Center and 100 Health-Building.

First lets have a look at the old system.

I wait 6 hours. Now I have 0 Health and 600 to recover. I eat and fight up to 60 times and am back to 0 health and 0 to recover. Now I do the same again.

Fights 120
Log ins 2

Now the new system

I wait 6 hours. Now I have 0 Energy and 600 to recover. I eat and have 600 enery and 0 to recover.

Now I have to decide what I do.
a) I wait another 6 hours and have 600 Energy and 600 to recover. I fight 120 times and am back to 0 0
Fights 120
Log ins 2
b) I fight immediatly 60 times, which means IM at 0 0 and have to wait 6 hours again.
Fights 120
Log ins 2

So as you can see. In all cases u have to log in twice in order to make a total of 120 hits.

What actually did change then?

Now you can decide to store 60 hits in order to release the double amount of damage in one battle. Good to do some extra damage in Decisive battles. Like berserking in V1

But that also means all those BH-Hunters now can easily double their damage. No more BH for me I guess 🙁

And somthing we all profit of. We don't have to click the Eat-Button that often any more.