An update and a thank you!

Day 800, 22:59 Published in Australia Australia by Blue Rayne
I'm writing to you today from the beautiful city of Adelaide.

First of all I want to apologise for the lateness of my thank you!

Have you ever put your head down and pushed through triumphantly to your goal only to find that the goal looked a lot smaller from way back there where you started?

Being focused on the immediate task of gaining my seat in the Senate I thought the hard part was all the cupcake making, showing how determined I was and getting real people to put their faith in me!

As a complete newcomer to the Australian Senate I have been trying to read at lightning speed and make intelligent comments and have finally been able to come up for air.

For a while there it was a hard slog ....

But now I'm able to breathe and express my great gratitude for everyone that put their faith in me, voted for me and answered my endless questions .... and I'm expressing it with .....

Extra special Sparkly Celebration Cupcakes!!! ... and for the girls chocolate covered strawberries!
Oooh Yum.

You'll enjoy them 😉 .... I know I did when I was making them 😛

And don't worry about me falling under the paperstack anytime soon - I found some books to help me out ...

And finally ....

Phew 500! I'm gonna be around for a while yet!

Blue Rayne - Beating batter and people with whisks since Day 720