An Unusual Change...

Day 1,377, 13:25 Published in USA Switzerland by Kishvier
The Terminal as most of you know, is primarily a economic journal of mine, that will include my take on game updates. Today though, we're going to go political on you! I don't usually do this (I never do as a matter of fact), but the guy I'm endorsing for president has a truly epic list of accomplishments, and I have had the honor to work with him for quite a while when I was in Switzerland, so here we are: I am giving my endorsement for the upcoming presidential election, to none other than Paul Proteus.

Paul reins from the Libertarian party, and is a great friend of mine. He's served a huge number of high end positions in the U.S. goverment, as well as taking the Swiss Presidency twice! He's level headed, smart, and is just a fun guy to hang around with, and I've learned this first hand. I met Paul back in Switzerland about a year ago, and it's safe to say that he saved the country a number of times, from PTO's to an invasion, and I feel that he would make a perfect president for the U.S. today.

So when it comes to election day, why not vote for Paul?