An Ultimatum.

Day 1,374, 17:11 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

It's time to call a spade a spade.

I, like so many others are sick and tired of comment wars on innocent articles which only purpose is to spread awareness and inform the general public on necessary matters.

It's just gotten to an all time low. Ireland is in a current state of success. We are holding onto our captured regions and still advancing further into our enemies country and yet some of our citizens can't get over a personal vendetta they have for our President and his Cabinet.

So now I offer an ultimatum - Run for office or shut the **** up and get back in your corner while we are still winning.

And a personal request to Stranger Here Myself - Grow a pair of balls and run for president if you think you have what it takes. If you lose then its quite obvious you are not wanted and if you win then we'll sit back and let you do what ever you want, no questions asked, no articles slandered with rhetorical bull no one wants to hear.

The ball is in your court mate. Either step up or sit the f**k back down.

Yours truthfully

- Orangejuicemmm
