An Orange President... Maybe...

Day 709, 23:40 Published in Japan Japan by Geno Garon

Greetings, readers, one and all.

If you haven't guessed by the article's title, it is the day I have long awaited. Today, I start my campaign for President of eJapan.

This is a controversial move for me, and I'm sure it will gather a mixed reception, but I feel that, after living in this game for over a year, and investing into eJapan for almost a year, that it was time I threw in my bid. Allow me to start with a little history.

It was nearly twelve months ago that I moved from the eUnited States to eJapan. Politics were extremely heated back in the eUSA, with the USWP munching up all the new citizens with extremely aggressive and "controversial" advertising tactics. I followed Emerick-san, my mentor and forever-bro, to eJapan. While Emerick was only in Japan for a few weeks before leaving, I fell in love with the atmosphere, the people, the politics, and the environment of eJapan, and decided to stay, taking over Emerick's "Orange Party". At the time, I was using an avatar from the GBA game series, "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney". That avatar is still profiled on my wiki page, for anyone interested, but it is plain to see how the "Orange Party" quickly became a passion for me, and ultimately, I became The Orange Guy, a reflection of the values I felt on the inside. During my previous tenure as Orange Party President for SIX straight months, I brought the party up from being the SMALLEST party in eJapan,to being the LARGEST party, aside from the at-the-time monolithic NAP. In fact, the Orange Party was so successful at drawing in active, passionate, and well-received players, that by the April Congressional Race, the Orange Party held the largest number of seats in congress. I was also Minister of Defense for several months running, but after only a few successful training operations, the army, to be blunt, fell apart on me. After allegations that I was misusing government funds (you know, by training with training weapons), I peacefully resigned, and handed the army over to leadership that has done a smash-up job, I should say.

After so many months as a Party President (and still a bit upset about my recent debacle with MoD), I felt I needed to broaden my horizons, and with the soon-to-be resurrection of the South Korean nation, I moved there for a few weeks to help out as best I could. Though Theocratic forces ended up winning out against the eSK present before their time, I still feel that something valuable was learned, and with that, I traveled to Africa. South Africa, to be precise.

My mission in South Africa was clear from the beginning; Help set up and stabilize the South African economy, assist the established leadership of the country, and once and for all defeat Ajay Bruno. For background, Ajay Bruno was an American exile who was attempting to PTO eSouth Africa with multiple accounts after his utter defeat in the USA. A quick glace at his user profile shows the work my own self and several other devoted individuals finally paid off, and democracy was allowed to flourish in eSouth Africa. My work complete, I returned to the home land I love, eJapan, to assist and help where I could.

This brings us to today. I have retaken the mantle of Orange Party President (it just seems I'm the right man for the job, I guess), and have been volunteering at the government-run Q5 weapons company, producing high quality weapons for eJapan in case we should ever need them. I am currently the Vice President, and, though this term has been quiet, when the issue of contract security over government funds was brought up, I immediately sprang into action, assisting M-Ursu to develop a flexible yet concrete contract that would ensure the enforceable of Japan's money, the money of the people.

But enough history, for it is in the past... let's look to the future, a future you could have with an Orange President.


One of the Orange Party's major stances is to always be open to give the unrepresented a place to voice themselves. This stayed the same when the OP was Japan's smallest party, all the way up to when we were #2. We always kept the philosophy that, even if we disagreed with you (and debate is ALWAYS open), we would still honor your right to be heard, and to have a platform to do so. My Presidency would be no different. Japan is a country that can rise ABOVE petty politicking and cabinets stuffed with your own yes-men. If I would be elected, my first acts would be, of course, to build a cabinet of worthwhile individuals. However, this would not mean appointing several of my friends and leaving political opponents out in the cold. QUITE THE CONTRARY! Lively debate, especially between people who see things differently, is the BEST way to temper and test ideas. I would be loathe to give up such a grand opportunity to have my ideas tried by fire, to eliminate the bad and bring out the good. As such, people from all walks of life would be asked to be in my cabinet, so long as they are active, and possess talent in the area they are assigned. Which brings me to my next point:


"But Geno," you say, "you already HAD 'inclusion' as your first point!" Right you are, I would say, but this inclusion is an inclusion that includes YOU! Too often we see a President and maybe a VP announced before elections, which is all well and good, but then the President appoints people to public office after you voted for them. After? That doesn't seem very democratic. Therefore, it is my ideal that the PEOPLE should send me suggestions for the persons I should appoint to my cabinet. This would prevent me from "picking my friends" because you, JAPAN would share a direct link to who occupies my cabinet. How's that for inclusion? Oh, as a side note, of course all cabinet members with access to ORGs would be under contract, no exceptions. I didn't work out that contract for nothing. 😉


You've read my history (unless you're skimming, shame on you 😃). You've seen me in eJapan's chat, on the forums, in the news, in politics, in business, in the army... I've been through a lot with you, eJapan. My dedication to this country is exceptionally strong. I'm not about to tell you I'm above reproach; I know I am just a man. But I will tell you that I learn from mistakes and defeats, and turn them into victories. I make things right. I strive always to be held accountable for what I say and what I do. That is why, many months ago (buried in the archives of my paper) I pledged to always allow my public words or IRC chat, Forums, and anywhere else be public words HERE, in eRepublik. I reaffirm that pledge now. No hiding in closed-door sessions where my words "cannot" be reprinted. If I said something, then you can reprint it, and I will never report it under the rules. I know people may try and abuse this by publishing things I never said, and I will use the rules against these individuals, but that will be the exception.

In addition, everyone knows that I have made my full contact details available to ANYONE who reads my newspaper. For quick reference, here they are again:

Phone #🙁90😎268-1026
Skype Name: geno.garon
XBL Gamertag: Geno Garon

This, by my estimation, makes me one of the most accessible persons in eRepublik. Period. These are not "throw-away" contact details. I use this email every day, and that is my PERSONAL cell phone number (not a redirect). At any time, you can send me an email, contact me on XBL if I'm playing ODST, or even CALL MY PERSONAL CELL PHONE and, even if you don't get my right away, leave me a voice message that I will hear. A person doesn't get more accessible than that besides giving out their home address, but I really see no point in that if you have my cell. I want this to prove that I am committed, and want to be held accountable, to you, eJapan. You have me just a phone call, text message, or email away.


Getting off beaten track a little bit, I'd like to explore a facet not many Presidential hopefuls touch on, and that is their own personal standing throughout the world. It is my opinion that I have a rather positive international image. I have fought for South Korean and South African freedom. I publicly stood against PTO and international invasion and imperialism. I have gathered friends and contacts throughout the English-speaking world. Members of PEACE, EDEN, as well as individuals in the eUSA, eIreland, eUK, ePhillipines, eSouth Korea, eMalaysia and eThailand, eChina, eSouth Africa, ePakistan, eSpain... all know my name, know what I stand for, and to their own varying degrees, call me their friend. They know they can depend on me if they need something. They know I am someone they can trust. Do you? I should hope that, after reading this, you would consider such for yourself. What does this mean for eJapan? Well, that should be obvious; a more well-known leader has more influence. A more well-liked leader can more directly influence the outcome of things on an INTERNATIONAL scale if people are more willing to listen to him or her. This will allow me to take Japan's Righteous Nation principle to a higher level than it ever has before; to other nations. To encourage them to make the RIGHT choice, that other nations around them would see that and continue the trend. We could change the whole world, if only the first push were strong enough.

I suppose I've taken up enough of your time for now. In summary, I am a dedicated, knowledgeable, caring and approachable person who wants to unify eJapan, and bring it to a new place in the world stage; where Japan can be a force for genuine good. Abroad, to oppose PTO, to stand for the rights of nations to rule themselves, and at home, to fight for the power of the individual, to stand for democracy and transparent government, and in all things, stand for justice, peace, and prosperity. These are lofty goals, I know, but one does not reach the stars by aiming for the trees. We must always strive up, higher and higher, until a goal that seemed impossible lies just outside our grasp, waiting for one final reach to finally be attained.

~ Geno Garon, VP of eJapan, PP of the Orange Party