An open message to Turk President

Day 1,559, 06:11 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Atsalenios

Dear president,

First of all i want to declare that i am not a nationalist and i don't see Turks as enemies..

When i was president of eMalaysia i tried to sign a MPP with your country.
Here, in eMY, lives a rl Turk whom i would go to vote if ever run for president. His name is affandede

My favourite MU is INCI who are rl Turks. You can ask them for me.

Now, i am sure you wonder why i am writing this article..

I heard that atropates is a member of your cabinet..Seriously?? Atropates PTOed 2 countries in the past and now do you give him such an important position?

Don't you respect the countries which stole??

Some of his friends are still here and create problems..

And now take a look at this:

They are proud of stealing us.. And they say that they will come back..

So, why did you choose this person.. Maybe he is talented, but your decision show that you don't respect us..

We are a small country but we have honour. We never betray our friends and we don't forgive our enemies..

So i want to say this.. If this issue won't be resolved soon, or they come back, i am going to fight EVERY SINGLE DAY against eTr, no matter in which alliance it is..

So, don't bother to send me pm if you see me fighting against you.. I will do 4M influence every day.. Believe me i can afford it..

Goodbye and see you on the battlefield if nothing change o7