An Open Letter to the iNCi Leadership

Day 1,212, 10:18 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

Dear depeci...
Please allow me to introduce myself, I am Jude Connors - eRepublik's favorite hippie. I want to congratulate you on becoming the official Head of iNCi. I am sure you know the fallacious state of eUSA-iNCi affairs and I really hope you plan to tackle that and make it right.

You asked here “Why is inci not treated like a regular party in USA??”. I hope you are reading the replies, panpa. I want to point your attention to my reply, which also includes a quote from Pfeiffer:

Quote from: Pfeiffer:... it also has to do with the fact that your senior members were given citizenship with certain agreements in place. You broke them... Man the fuck up and deal with the consequences.

My Reply:Aside from Pfeiffer here, i was one of inci's biggest supporters, but all the lies have made me no longer trust the inci as a group. The history of lies by leadership, coupled with the power the "party" has as a top five makes treating you as a regular party impossible.

Truthfully, I went out on a limb and tried my damnest to make relations better between the eUSA and iNCi. I even spoke to iNCi Leadership, such as GS10, JTKewl, and Captain33; and offered to help out with learning the eUSA political sphere with the last Congress elections. They agreed to help me teach them how to run and election and work with FEC and other parties, but never got back with me. Basically, they told me what I wanted to hear with no intention of following through.

This has been a recurring theme with iNCi. When the initial agreement to come into the eUSA was made, iNCi told our government that they had no political aspirations. We then agreed to ascertain that at least one of those leaders was elected into Congress, so that iNCi has a voice in Congress. That’s when the fit hit the shan.

Your representative in Congress did not even attempt to work with the rest of Congress and instead decided to circumvent the process for immigration by accepting the citizenship applications of unauthorized Turks.

Then last elections, iNCi staged a minor PTO atttempt. Despite the official agreement of only five members of Congress at the most, iNCi placed deadheads into Congress, pushing out great eAmerican Congressmen in the process, and once again circumvented our immigration system.

Then there was the ultimatum by iNCi leader GS10, and an official declaration of war.

Yet you want us to trust you? Again and again you have made promises and agreements that were not met. Not even by a long shot. Recently, Mark444 - personally on of my favorite members of iNCi and the official representative of iNCi to the Glove Cabinet, stated a new list of goals to better eUSA-iNCi relations, but I must admit that I doubt the success of these new talks.


As you can see, oxygen - whose political history can be found here - attempted to PTO the UIP. Although it is said that both he and Stankovic Alexa (who attempted to PTO The Federalist Party) are not members nor acting on behalf of iNCi, I find it hard to believe that oxygen garnered over 42% of the vote without iNCi involvement.


The time has come to cut the crap, iNCi. The eUSA government has tried to work with you and each time we were burned. The patience and understanding is over, and unless YOU do something about it, there will never be good relations between us. Actions speak louder than words, panpas.

One last thing, about a year or so ago, I PTOed the #1 party at the time (APF) which had over 1,000 members when I did it with a small group of rebels. Continue to be a thorn in our side and I will PTO the #1 party again. If that happens, I am sure you know what will happen to iNCi involvement in eAmerican politics...

Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world!
Jude Connors
#1 Party Slayer!