An Introduction

Day 1,937, 15:31 Published in USA USA by Dalan Di Celes


I am Dalan Di Celes, the editor-in chief of this new publication. I started out in early June 2009, invited by a friend. I only hung around for about a month before I left (very shortly before the PEACE invasion of the eUS). At that same friend's request I returned a few months ago. I have barely been more than a two-clicker these past few months, but I have been reading quite a bit on the current situations going on in the eUS. I now feel like I have educated myself enough to form (somewhat) intelligent opinions on matters facing the nation.

I feel like there are a certain few segments of the population of the eUS without a voice that represents them, as well as too few publications that do not debase themselves by posting cheesy pictures or buying votes.

I also plan on posting articles from sources that I have within the administration who have some very strong opinions on alleged corruption and cronyism within the eUS government. I will also be accepting articles from individuals who wish to have an anonymous outlet for their views. The rules for such postings will be posted later. These articles will be separate from the other articles and a pseudonym will be given to each author.

Also, folks interested in submitting news or other items not anonymously are also welcome to.

I look forward to expanding my involvement in the eUS with this enterprise. Thank you!