An Interview With Mr Woldy

Day 597, 04:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Catterick

For those unaware of the enigmatic Mr Woldy, he is a 2 time member of congress for East Midlands, ex-Minister of Work, editor of The People's Gazette featuring some excellent new player guides, Ambassador to the Philippines, Captain of the Royal Guard Alpha Company, current Minister of Home Affairs and is forever changing his forum avatar. It seems only fitting that he should take the next step up and run for party presidency of TUP, which he announced this week. The London Evening Standard caught up with the man himself and managed to grab a quick interview:

1. What prompted you to announce your candidacy for the Party President position of TUP?

Whilst talking to the current P, John Forseti, he told me that next month he wasn't going to run, he was going to join an elite wing of the UK's military. He actually suggested I ran, and after putting in a great deal of thought I decided to declare my candidacy.

2. Current party president John Forseti isn't running again this term. How do you feel John has done during his time in charge?

John has done a stirling job, running conferences and always conscious of what members of the party think. He has been a great figurehead for the TUP, and he is often the first person I turn to when I need advice.

3. In the last congress elections TUP increased their presence from the previous month. How do you feel TUP will do next round?

My aim is to maintain the standards set by John, and to get active people into congress, who are dedicated to the party and dedicated to the House of Commons. I feel that we have the potential to do well, I shall conduct an analysis of last months results and help work on problem areas, which will hopefully help increase the amount of congressmen we get.

4. How well do you think TUP is performing, and during your prospective month in charge where would you like to take the party?

I think the TUP are performing greatly, our dedication to the views of the individual set us aside from the rest. I think I would like to increase recruitment, and party to person communication. This could be done by increasing articles released by TUP and opening regular Q&A sessions on the IRC or through PM's so that every member, and even every citizen can recieve advice and information.

5. There has been a lot of talk about alliances in recent weeks. Since the fall of ATLANTIS TUP has consistently stood on the side of neutrality, whilst taking into account the pros and cons of Fortis and PEACE. What are your personal views on all 3: Neutrality, Fortis and PEACE?

Neutrility alone cannot help the UK for very long, sooner or later we will have to allign ourselves to prevent hostility. However, we are good friends with Ireland and the USA. Fortis, the alliance set up by the USA is a good idea, I myself was ont he negotiation team with the Americans, and progress was made towards reforming a charter. However, Fortis is relatively small, and the member nations would be somewhat dependant on the USA. It is also, simply the western side of Atlantis, so possible friction could emerge between it and "Eden". As for PEACE, I think the UK has gained a very anti PEACE mentality. Having spoken to a few PEACE officials, they seem very nice trustworthy people. We border many PEACE countries right now, notably one of the strongest; Hungary. Hungary however, is a friend of the UK, as are many PEACE countries. As for a conclusion, I think we should remain neutral but work to secure pacts with countries like Hungary and Italy, so maintain good relations with most countries and gain strong allies.

6. If you do get elected how do you think you'll cope with the workload, what with also being Minister of Home Affairs?

The Workload is rather large, but fortunately in RL I have nothing to do until I enter university, so time certainly isn't an issue. Also, I find myself surrounded by more then capable colleagues who are more than willing to help ease the workload.

7. And lastly, will you ever decide on a permanent forum avatar?

Sorry I don't know what the word "permanent" means 😃

That concludes the interview, and this week's edition of The London Evening Standard. Thanks very much to Mr Woldy for his time and we wish him the best of luck in the coming elections.