An Interview with Bruck

Day 558, 18:01 Published in Canada Canada by JBob28

I sat down with Bruck, acting President of eCanada, for a quick interview on some of his political stances and policies regarding the current state of eCanada. Here's what our President had to say.
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JBob28: I'll try and make this quick for you, but feel free to elaborate on your answers.

Bruck: Absolutely, go ahead

JBob28: Great, well first off I want to say it's a real pleasure you could take the time to answer a few burning questions, so I'll just jump right into things. With presidential elections coming up, can you tell us a bit about your party's and your own personal platform?

Bruck: The CEP has always stood for a war stimulated economy and we are lucky to have achieved this now, we are able to fight from home regularly. We will continue to work with Congress to try to find a solution to the alliance problem though I believe we will be aiming to form a new alliance with the United States and our close allies

JBob28: Will that involve splitting from ATLANTIS?

Bruck: ATLANTIS has already split but I am trying to maintain relations with former members as much as possible. So far I have been able to and we have continued to support them through military action

JBob28: Are you more concerned with members of PEACE, or former members of ATLANTIS with regard to the defense of eCanada?

Bruck: I know the leaders of most former ATLANTIS members well and I know they would not consider invading Canada and would do whatever they could to convince their nations against doing so as well. PEACE has claimed they are a defensive alliance and since we do not pose a threat to their defense they should not see reason to invade, but we will always prepare our defenses just incase
JBob28: PEACE... would you consider them too distant a threat to go up against our citizens? Or is this more a matter of eCanada helping it's allies, rather than direct invasion?

Bruck: We share a hostile border with France and should they attack they would do so with the power of their MPP's, luckily we recently signed a peace treaty with Brazil

JBob28: Are you considering any economic alliances, such as (irl) NAFTA?

Bruck: economic alliances tend to go with our in game allies. We are unable to trade with any nation we are at war with so that in a way is an economic alliance

JBob28 I see. The eGermany issue: what is eCanada's official stance? And how do you feel about eUSAs neutral position?

Bruck: Canada stands by it's allies the Germans but do so as protest to Sweden's unprovoked attack on a fellow ally. I will continue to push for a fair peace in this conflict. As for the eUSA, I petitioned President Scrabman myself for support in this war, he has made it clear that he wishes to remain neutral in this war

JBob28: Are you considering entering a war with Sweden as a peacekeeping measure?

Bruck: No, if we are able I wish to return to normal relations with Sweden. They were our allies and if they end this conflict with Germany we can continue being allies

JBob28: Interesting. New topic. Social programs... what programs have been established under your leadership, and what programs would you like to see implemented should you be re-elected as eCanada's president?

Bruck: Emilio Sanchez runs a gifting program on behalf of the government offering gifts at a greatly reduced price, this will of course be continued for the following term. Also a housing program may be instituted allowing some citizens to be gifted a Q1 house from the Ministry of Industries

JBob28: Ok, one last question for you Mr.President: If you could use just 10 words to summarize why the voting public should re-elect you for another term, what would you say to them?

Bruck: Vote for the candidate you feel best represents your eCanada.

JBob28: Thanks you for your time, Mr.President, and good luck in the upcoming elections.

Bruck: It was my pleasure.