An Independent, Alternative Idea

Day 1,449, 21:40 Published in South Africa South Africa by Oprah Winfrey
Note. Please, always keep in mind this is a game. It’s supposed to be fun; it’s not real. Furthermore, this is a social strategy game. What we are doing here isn’t fighting, it’s genuine debate. If building virtual tanks and clicking the ‘Fight’ button is what you enjoy, by all means do that—but please don’t misconstrue fun ePolitics with infighting.

eSouth Africa,

The plan seems to be working like a charm.

Activity has exploded. All it took was a little spark.

Genuine political debates are taking place, oldies are coming back from the two-clicker abyss and commenting/writing articles. As of writing this, our “Political Debate/Analysis” page will go onto a second page, a fantastic result indeed. The community is vibrant. It’s beautiful. It’s glorious.

The Independent Alternative is starting to become more active. Players are being integrated into the party through messaging and through these articles. Lazer Fazer noted that if one wanted to increase activity, one should message newbs—but we all know that only goes so far. What we have done here is create a fun, active community, which is the real thing that keeps newbs, brings back two-clickers, and makes things fun.

If things have improved so far, why stop here? The Revolution is working, let’s take it all the way.

So far, we have seen a lot of articles that are not constructive. Slandering my character, attacking my legacy, claiming ulterior motives, attacking people who aren’t involved, etc. While this may be activity, it’s not exactly constructive.

That is why in the previous article, I challenged the old IA opposition to come up with a single genuine idea or policy to benefit the country. I have come up with my ideas to improve activity and player retention—now what are yours?

Time to make the IA stand for something again. We haven’t seen any real ideas come out of any of the parties in month. Time to make the IA stand for something again. Time to improve the country.

Don’t just claim IA isn’t dead. Prove it.

So besides the ideas from the first article, I have another idea to improve things…

As Party President of the Independent, I will nullify any existing treaty with other parties.

Though I cannot confirm this, supposedly there’s an agreement between SADP and IA to take turns nominating candidates from their respective parties. Such an agreement is unhealthy for the political system.

What’s Independent or Alternative about only choosing candidates from one party at a time, regardless of the merit of other candidates? This takes power away from party members and channels it towards impractical hegemony. It’s bad for our whole political system.

Nominating only a candidate from IA or SADP? Isn't the Independent Alternative supposed to be the party of no BS? This sure smells like it.

While in theory coalitions are okay, this agreement in practice is harmful for everyone. So the constructive idea is to destroy this rigged and dangerous agreement. Work democratically. Nominate candidates that are best for the country, not your party.

Disagree? Prove me wrong.

Look forward to hearing your idea, old IA.



Political Catalyst